Botanical Names For Plants: Common Name & Scientific Name Of Crops (2024)

This ultimate guide on botanical names for plants will help you in learning botanical names of important crops. If you are a botany, or BSc. Agriculture student then this guide will definitely help you a lot. However anyone interested to learn botanical names can use this guide.

Through this article you will learn botanical names of:

cereal crops, fibre crops, pulse crops, edible oilseed crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers, spices etc. To download the pdf of botanical names, click on “Help!” button and message SEND PDF.

Table of Contents

Botanical Names For Plants

Botanical Name Of Cereal Crops

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.RiceOryza sativaPoaceae
2.WheatTriticum aestivumPoaceae
3.MaizeZea maysPoaceae
4.BarleyHordeum vulgarePoaceae
5.SorghumSorghum bicolorPoaceae
6.OatAvena sativaPoaceae
7.RyeSecale cerealePoaceae
8.Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucumPoaceae
9.Finger MilletEluisine coracanaPoaceae
10.Proso MilletPanicum miliaceum Poaceae
11.Foxtail MilletSetaria italicaPoaceae
12.White FonioDigitaria exilisPoaceae
13.Black FonioDigitaria iburuaPoaceae
14.Job’s tearsCoix lacryma-jobiPoaceae
15.TeffEragrostis tefPoaceae
16.Buckwheat (Pseudo-cereal)Fagopyrum esculentumPolygonaceae
17.Quinoa (Pseudo-cereal)Chenopodium quinoaAmaranthaceae

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Botanical Name Of Fibre Crops

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.CottonGossypium hirsutumMalvaceae
2.JuteCorchorus olitoriusMalvaceae
3.HempCannabis sativaCannabaceae
4.Indian HempApocynum cannabinumApocynaceae
5.Mauritius HempFurcraea foetidaAgavaceae
6.BagasseSaccharum officinarumPoaceae
7.KenaffHibiscus cannabinusMalvaceae
8.CoirCocus nuciferaArecaceae
9.KapokCeiba pentandraMalvaceae
10.UrenaUrena lobataMalvaceae
11.SunnCrotalaria junceaFabaceae
12.RamieBoehmeria niveaUrticaceae
13.RoselleHibiscus sabdariffaMalvaceae
14.SisalAgave sisalanaAgavaceae
15.CantalaAgave cantalaAgavaceae
16.HenequenAgave fourcroydesAgavaceae
17.MagueyAgave americanaAgavaceae
18.AbacaMusa textilisMusaceae
19.PhormiumPhormium tenaxHemerocallidaceae
20.MestaHibiscus cannabinusMalvaceae

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Botanical Name Of Pulse Crops

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.Pea Or Garden PeaPisum sativumFabaceae
2.ChickpeaCicer arietinumFabaceae
3.Pigeon peaCajanus cajanFabaceae
4.CowpeaVigna unguiculataFabaceae
5.Grass peaLathyrus sativusFabaceae
6.Green gramVigna radiataFabaceae
7.Black gramPhaseolus mungFabaceae
8.Horse gramDolichus biflorusFabaceae
9.LentilLens culinarisFabaceae
10.BeansPhaseolus vulgarisFabaceae
11. Indian beanDolichos lab-labFabaceae
12.Moth beanVigna aconitifoliaFabaceae

Botanical Name Of Oilseed Crops

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.GroundnutArachis hypogeaFabaceae
2.SunflowerHelianthus annusAsteraceae
3.SesameSesamum indicumPedaliaceae
4.SafflowerCarthamus tinctoriusAsteraceae
5.LinseedLinum usitatisiumLinaceae
6.SoybeanGlycine maxFabaceae
7.Black MustardBrassica nigraBrassicaceae
8.RapeseedBrassica napusBrassicaceae
9.CastorRicinus communisEuphorbiaceae
10.Coconut Cocus nuciferaArecaceae
11.Oil PalmElaeis guinensisArecaceae
12.White MustardBrassica albaBrassicaceae
13.NigerGuizotia abyssinicaAsteraceae
14.Rai or Indian MustardBrassica junceaBrassicaceae
15.Toria or Indian rapeBrassica napusBrassicaceae

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Botanical Name Of Vegetables

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.CauliflowerBrassica oleracea var. botrytisBrassicaceae
2.CabbageBrassica oleracea var. capitataBrassicaceae
3.BroccoliBrassica oleracea var. italicaBrassicaceae
4.Brussels sproutsBrassica oleracea var. gemmiferaBrassicaceae
5.Chinese CabbageBrassica oleracea var. pekinensisBrassicaceae
6.LettuceLactuca sativaAsteraceae
7.Knol-kholBrassica caulrapaBrassicaceae
8.Bitter GourdMomordica charantiaCucurbitaceae
9.Bottle GourdLagenaria sicerariaCucurbitaceae
10.Snake GourdTrichosanthes cucumerinaCucurbitaceae
11.Ridge GourdLuffa acutangulaCucurbitaceae
12.Ash GourdBenincasa hipsidaCucurbitaceae
13.Ivy GourdCoccina grandisCucurbitaceae
14.Pointed GourdTrichosanthes diocaCucurbitaceae
15.Sponge GourdLuffa aegyptiacaCucurbitaceae
16.Summer Squash or PumpkinCucurbita pepoCucurbitaceae
17.ArtichokeCynara scolymusAsteraceae
18.AsparagusRheum rhabarbarumAsparagaceae
19.SpinachSpinacea oleraceaAmaranthaceae
20.Malabar SpinachBascella albaBasellaceae
21.RadishRaphanus sativusBrassicaceae
22.BeetrootBeta vulgarisAmaranthaceae
23.TurnipBrassica rapaBrassicaceae
24.CarrotDaucus carotaApiaceae
25.OnionAllium cepaAmaryllidaceae
26.GarlicAllium sativum Amaryllidaceae
27.TomatoSolanum lycopersicumSolanaceae
29.Brinjal Or EggplantSolanum melongenaSolanaceae
31.YamBioscorea alataDioscoreaceae
32.ChilliCapsicum frutescenesSolanaceae
33.CapsicumCapsicum annumSolanaceae
34.FennelFoeniculum vulgareApiaceae
35.KaleBrassica oleracea var. acephalaBrassicaceae
36.Bok ChoyBrassica rapa subsp. chinensisBrassicaceae
37.ArugulaEruca vesicariaBrassicaceae
38.CantaloupeCucumis meloCucurbitaceae
39.ParsnipPastinaca sativaApiaceae
40.Collard GreensBrassica oleracea var. viridisBrassicaceae
41.KohlrabiBrassica oleracea var. gongylodesBrassicaceae
42.Swiss ChardBeta vulgaris subsp. ciclaAmaranthaceae
43.LeekAllium ampeloprasumAmaryllidaceae
44.CeleryApium graveolensApiaceae
45.ZucchiniCucurbita pepoCucurbitaceae
46.BeansPhaseolus vulgarisFabaceae
47.PeasPisum sativumFabaceae

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Botanical Name Of Fruits

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.AonlaPhyllanthus emblicaPhyllanthaceae
2.AppleMalus domesticaRosaceae
3.ApricotPrunus armeniacaRosaceae
4.BaelAegle marmelosRutaceae
5.BananaMusa acuminataMusaceae
6.BerZiziphus mauritianaRhamnaceae
7.BlueberryCyanococcus corymbosusEricaceae
8.ChestnutCastanea crenataFagaceae
9.CherryPrunus aviumRosaceae
10.Custard AppleAnnona reticulataAnnonaceae
11.Date PalmPhoenix dactyliferaArecaceae
12.FigFicus caricaMoraceae
13.GrapeVitis viniferaVitaceae
14.GuavaPsidium guajavaMyrtaceae
15.JackfruitArtocarpus heterophyllusMoraceae
16.KiwiActinidia deliciosaActinidiaceae
17.LycheeLitchi chinensisSapindaceae
18.MangoMangifera indicaAnacardiaceae
19.MuskmelonCucumis meloCucurbitaceae
20.PapayaCarica papayaCaricaceae
21.Passion FruitPassiflora edulisPassifloraceae
22.PeachPrunus persicaRosaceae
23.PearPyrus communisRosaceae
24.PineappleAnanas comosusBromeliaceae
25.PlumPrunus domesticaRosaceae
26.PomegranatePunica granatumLythraceae
27.SapotaManilkara zapotaSapotaceae
28.StrawberryFragaria ananassaRosaceae
29.WatermelonCitrullus lanatusCucurbitaceae
30.LemonCitrus limonRutaceae
31.MandarinCitrus reticulataRutaceae
32.OrangeCitrus sinensisRutaceae

Botanical Name of Medicinal Plants

Serial No.Common NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.AshwagandhaWithania somniferaSolanaceae
2.Sarpagandha Rauvolfia serpentina Apocynaceae
3.Aloe VeraAloe barbadensisAsphodelaceae
4.SennaCassia angustifoliaFabaceae
5.IpecacCarapichea ipecacuanhaRubiaceae
6.IsabgolPlantago ovataPlantaginaceae
7.BrahmiBacopa monnieriPlantaginaceae
8.TulsiOcimum sanctumLamiaceae
9.VallaraiCentella asiaticaApiaceae
10.GymnemaGymneme sylvestreApocynaceae
11.PeriwinkleCatharanthus roseusApocynaceae
12.TippiliPiper longumPiperaceae

Botanical Name of Flowering Plants

Serial No.Common NameBotanical Name
1.RoseRosa chinensis
2.TulipTulipa gesneriana
3.CarnationDianthus caryophyllus
4.MarigoldTagetes erecta
5.GerberaGerbera jamesonii
6.TuberosePolianthes tuberosa
7.CrossandraCrossandra infundibuliformis
8.DahliaDahlia pinnata
9.ZinniaZinnia elegans
10.LotusNelumbo nucifera
11.ChrysanthemumDendranthema grandifloraTzeuleu
12.Dendrobium OrchidDendrobium sp.

Botanical Names Of Spice Crops

Serial No.Common NameBotanical Name
1.Black pepperPiper nigrum
2.CardamomElettaria cardamomum
3.TurmericCurcuma longa
4.GingerZingiber officinale
5.FenugreekTrigonella foenum graecum
6.FennelFoeniculum vulgare
7.Coriander Coriandrum sativum
8.CloveSyzigium aromaticum
9.NutmegMyristica fragrans
10.CinnamonCinnamomum zeylanicum
11.TamarindTamarindus indicus
12.VanillaVanilla planifolia
13.PaprikaCapsicum annum var. longum

Botanical Names of Ornamental Trees

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical NameFamily Name
1.Japanese MapleAcer palmatumSapindaceae
2.DogwoodCornus floridaCornaceae
3.Cherry BlossomPrunus serrulataRosaceae
4.MagnoliaMagnolia spp.Magnoliaceae
5.Red MapleAcer rubrumSapindaceae
6.LilacSyringa vulgarisOleaceae
7.Crape MyrtleLagerstroemia indicaLythraceae
8.Weeping WillowSalix babylonicaSalicaceae
9.Japanese CherryPrunus serrulataRosaceae
10.Japanese Pagoda TreeStyphnolobium japonicumFabaceae
11.HollyIlex aquifoliumAquifoliaceae
12.Flowering PearPyrus calleryanaRosaceae
13.Tulip TreeLiriodendron tulipiferaMagnoliaceae
14.Japanese SnowbellStyrax japonicusStyracaceae
15.Golden Rain TreeKoelreuteria paniculataSapindaceae
16.Japanese False CypressChamaecyparis obtusaCupressaceae
17.Katsura TreeCercidiphyllum japonicumCercidiphyllaceae
18.Japanese Black PinePinus thunbergiiPinaceae
19.Chinese Fringe TreeChionanthus retususOleaceae
20.Japanese White PinePinus parvifloraPinaceae
21.Paperbark MapleAcer griseumSapindaceae
22.Chinese DogwoodCornus kousaCornaceae
23.CrabappleMalus spp.Rosaceae
24.GingkoGinkgo bilobaGinkgoaceae
25.Sweetbay MagnoliaMagnolia virginianaMagnoliaceae
26.Chinese ElmUlmus parvifoliaUlmaceae
27.Yoshino CherryPrunus yedoensisRosaceae
28.Silver MappleAcer saccharinumSapindaceae
29.Blue Atlas CedarCedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’Pinaceae
30.JacarandaJacaranda mimosifoliaBignoniaceae

Botanical Name of Agricultural Weeds

Serial NumberCommon NameBotanical Name
1.ChenopodiumChenopodium album
2.CyperusCyperus difformis
3.CassiaCassia tora
4.PartheniumParthenium hysterophorus
5.AmaranthusAmaranthus spp.
6.PhalarisPhalaris minor
7.Bermuda grassCynodon dactylon
8.BindweedConvolvulus arvensis
9.LantanaLantana camara
10.Mexican Prickly PoppyAregmone mexicana
11.Scarlet PimpernelAnagallis arvensis
12.Wild oatAvena fatua
13.SpurgeEuphorbia dracunculoides
14.VetchVicia hirsuta
15.Corn SpurrySpergula arvensis
16.Nettle Leaf Goose FootChenopodium murale
17.Wild OnionAsphodelus tenuifolius
18.Snake’s TailAchryanthus aspera
19.Tridax DaisyTridax procumbens
20.Tick WeedCleome viscosa

FAQ On Botanical Names For Plants

How do botanists name plants?

Botanists name plants using a system called “binomial nomenclature.” It’s a way of giving each plant a special first name and a last name, just like we have. The first name is the genus, which groups similar plants together based on their characteristics. The second name is the species, which is unique to each plant within the genus. Together, these names form the plant’s scientific name or botanical name, and it’s the same worldwide, so everyone can understand which plant they’re talking about. This system helps botanists communicate effectively and avoid confusion when studying and discussing different plants.

How should a plant family name be written?

You should write plant scientific name in a specific way to help scientists & botanists understand and categorize plants. It consists of two parts: the first part is the name of the plant’s genus (a group of closely related plants) & the second part is the family name itself. For example, the family name of roses is “Rosaceae,” where “Rosa” is the genus name. This standardized way of writing plant family names allows people all around the world to communicate and study plants effectively.

What can I name my plants?

You can name your plants anything you like! Many people enjoy giving their plants names as it adds a personal touch and makes them feel more connected to their green companions. When naming your plants, you can get creative & choose names based on their appearance, characteristics, or even just names you find appealing.

Author’s Note

I guess you are now familiar with botanical names for plants. If you want to ask or add botanical name of any plant then do comment below. You can also connect with Agriculture Review on Facebook, Instagram, and Koo.

Botanical Names For Plants: Common Name & Scientific Name Of Crops (1)

Aditya Abhishek

Aditya Abhishek has completed Bachelor Of Science in Agriculture from SDSUV, Uttarakhand. He focuses on learning and delivering knowledge on Agriculture and Home Gardening. He created Agriculture Review as a common platform for all nature enthusiast to learn better practices of agriculture, gardening & shop quality products & services.

Botanical Names For Plants: Common Name & Scientific Name Of Crops (2024)
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